Women’s Winter Boots Under $100


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Sharing some affordable functional and fashionable Winter Boots under $50 and $100 to make you Winter ready. They were talking about less than an inch of snow heading our way today so we know winter is coming. Being prepared for this weather is being smart and also welcoming it fashionably is another thing. So here I came up with these 2 price points to narrow down your search and help you find the best shoes to invest in this season. It can be overwhelming to find good deals and also made sure these Winter boots have good reviews as well.

Women’s Winter Boots Under $100

Make sure you just don’t look cute but also ready for the slippery and cold roads, driveways and be ready to take on these colder months. You can take them on your trip to the mountain if you will and don’t forget to add on Winter ready coats and jackets that will go well with the shoes. Take a look at my previous post on some of the good Winter coats and jackets under $100 here.

Also if you wanna stand out to they crowd try checking these red jackets I posted here.

Having a good pair of Winter footwear will save you from having frostbites and give you good traction when the snow comes. If it doesn’t snow in your area, at least it gives you all the warmth your feet need to conquer these what I called dreadful Winter months.

How Should Winter Boots Fit?

In addition to sharing some of my favorite affordable winter boots, I thought I would also share some tips for making sure you get the right pair of boots for your lifestyle. Depending on where you live and what types of outdoor activities you are interested in, you may need to take special care when choosing boots for this winter season. Here are some tips for choosing boots that will keep your feet dry and warm.

Winter boots should be sized just right.

When choosing winter or snow boots, its important to make sure you grab the correct size. Winter boots that are too large could make it harder for you to walk and participate in outdoor activities. The same thing can be said for winter boots that are too small. Except when winter boots are too small, they may also affect your circulation and cause sore feet or pain. This is especially true if you plan on walking long distances. To help get the size just right, you can also choose winter boots with laces. Then, you can tighten or loosen the laces as needed to help you get the size just right.

Winter boots should hug your feet.

To ensure that your feet are not slipping and sliding inside your boots, they should fit snug. There should not be a ton of extra room inside your boot. However, you also want to ensure they are not too tight to wear even your thickest socks with. After all, it is cold outside, so you will most certainly need good socks.

Winter boots should have insulation.

When we are in the Fall season, insulation in boots is not that important. It’s not too cold yet. But, when it comes to winter boots they should always be insulated with some type of warming fabric. Since we lose heat through our feet, they need to stay warm in the colder months to keep the rest of our body feeling warm as well. Keep in mind that some insulating fabrics dry quicker than others. For example, wool will dry quicker than faux fur. Since we often have rain during the winter season, be sure to choose a pair with a quick-dry insulating material.

Winter boots should be water resistant or water proof.

Not only should winter boots keep you warm, but they should keep you dry as well. If you live in an area where it snows often, this is especially important because regular boots will simply soak up the snow as it melts. Opt for winter boots that are at least water resistant, although water proof is best. Boots with rubber soles and high-quality leather are usually at least water resistant.

Winter boots should have good tread / grip.

The winter season brings a combination of ice, snow, and rain. This can make sidewalks, roads, and driveways very slippery and more dangerous than in the other more mild seasons. Because of this your winter boots should have very good tread or grip on the bottom. This will help make sure you are not slipping and sliding out to your car each morning. But instead each step is secure.

Winter boots should be a neutral color.

Winter boots can be any color you like. If you have a pair of winter boots that are a bright color – rock them! However, if you are just purchasing winter boots for the first time or you don’t have that many other pairs of winter boots, I recommend choosing a neutral color. Think tan, camel, black, brown, or white. Why? Because they will match almost every outfit combination you can think of. And this will make creating the perfect winter outfits much easier.

Winter boots need time to break in.

Keep in mind that similarly to most other shoes, a pair of winter boots will take time to break in and feel super comfortable. At first, they may feel a little tight and constricting, and they may even have a little wiggle room where your feet are sliding. This will fade as you wear your boots again and again as they will start to form to your feet.

Winter boots should be comfortable and stylish.

This winter season, you do not have to sacrifice style for comfort and warmth. There are plenty of winter boots, duck boots, chelsea boots, and more that are very stylish and very functional. On this list, I have included several that I think are both high-quality and stylish. Take a look and let me know which styles you like the best!

Also sharing some of these Winter Boots I have bought for myself.

My favorites that I have been wearing non stop is the Chelsea boots but if I will be walking on snow I know I will be using the Sorel boots that time.



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