How To Let Go Of Old Clothes

How To Let Go Of Old Clothes



How To Let Go Of Old Clothes

It’s a new season meaning it is Spring cleaning time! But how to let go of old clothes? There are several reasons why we need to let go of them.  Here are some of the why?


In just a year’s time, we can accumulate a lot of things in our closet, especially if you live in a 4 season area where you have to change the type of clothing 4 times a year. This is the time to declutter and make space for new ones. You deserve to have space in your closet to store your high-end items and keep them in good condition, and stay organized throughout the year.

If  they don’t fit anymore

Easy for me to say, I am also into the notion that if they don’t fit anymore I will have to keep them because I know I will get back to my old size. But how do you get to enjoy the now if you keep on holding on the old ones that don’t fit? If you hold onto clothes that don’t fit, they are just taking up useful space. If you lose weight or gain weight, it’s ok. Just adapt your wardrobe by first getting rid of the pieces of clothing that no longer fit. Then, invest in new high-quality longer wear pieces.

They don’t suit your current style

Going through my closet, I realized that my style is evolving, the outfits I used to wear then don’t suit me anymore and I have to let them go. If it is not sentimental clothing, I am learning to let go and allow my style to take a new course.

There are also a lot of reasons why people find it hard to let go of things. But let me tell you about the benefits of letting go of old clothes and how it can make you feel like a new person, how you’ll end up with a cleaner and tidier closet.

How To Get Rid of Old Clothes

Here are the tips to get started:

1. Take everything out and identify wardrobe staples.

Let go of the items you no longer need. If there is something you immediately know that you only wore once and never want to wear it again, or that you never ever wear anymore, go ahead and let it go.

But, make sure to not let go of those staples like a white button-up shirt, white T-shirt, tank top, denim jacket, trench coat, denim jeans, ballet flats, blazer, classic pumps, and classic handbags. Basically all the classics that you can wear over time. In the next posts, I can discuss more about making a capsule wardrobe.

2. Stop making piles of clothes, you will probably realize that some of your items still even have a tag on them.

Leaving piles of them in your closet will surely keep a messy mind. It always gets me that way. That is also one reason I always try to reorganize my closet so I can see which one I need to donate, sell and give away to some of my family and friends that I know might like them. Organize the clothes in your closet. Trust me, it will feel great.

3. If they don’t fit anymore, that is also about time to let go of them!

This honestly not the case for me as I maintain my weight pretty well. This goes for my kids’ clothes though as they grow up so fast. For them specially for my toddler. Most of the time they only wear clothes a few times and they outgrow it. I usually put them aside and give it to some friends or co-workers who just had a baby. This prevents clothes cluttering up my children’s closets as well.

4. Visualizing the end result

Just by thinking how your closet will look and being more organized, believe me, it will start to also clear your mind and decrease stress in your environment. Also think about what you’d like the end result of your wardrobe to be. What style are you going for? What is your vibe? This will help you better organize every single piece of your wardrobe.

5. Feeling good about donating?

There is no need to feel guilty about cleaning out your closet and getting organized. You are helping the environment, and helping other people in need too. P

lus when going through all your clothes, you will realize all the clothes you actually have. Maybe even ones you forgot about. And now that you know what you actually in your wardrobe, you can stop wasting money on items you already have. Just remember only keep the basics and the items you wear.

6. You can make extra money by selling some of the gently used items on apps like eBay or Poshmark.

Don’t let anyone tell you that selling clothes online doesn’t work. I have done this many times, you can also follow my poshmark to see what I sell there. That will also give you extra bucks to buy new items. YAY!

I hope I was able to give you all the good reasons as to how to clean your closet and let go of old clothes.





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