Wardrobe Malfunction

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I just want to share to all of you this embarrassing moment I had when we went to the museum.

I bought this cute dress and it was under $15 so who wouldn’t buy it right? Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that cheap clothes don’t last. You know accidents do happen. I always buy clothes on sale.

The Museum day, I was so excited to wear that dress. The weather was kinda cold so I decided to wear my denim jacket to match the outfit. I put the clothes on and I looked at the mirror and everything looks good.

We all went to the car and drove to the museum. When we got there, I was the one who got off the car to unbuckle my daughter seatbelt. My mom followed and she noticed that the back part of the dress was ripped. She told me and I couldn’t believe it. She told me she can see my undies. My husband looked at it too and I was panicking. Thank God I had my denim jacket to cover it, tied the jacket around my waist. It was another fashion statement but it was cold I must admit not to wear the jacket but I gotta do I gotta do.
By the way, I returned the dress to the store 🙂

Lesson learned. It’ll be nice to have a spare clothes in the car just in case this happens or a sewing kit maybe.

Sharing is caring!

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