

Nowadays people always carry their cellphones, tablets and it is becoming our daily companion. We tend to use these gadgets on everything. All the information you need to know is in just one click of a button. These things making our life so convenient.

What we do not realize is that since these things has become a part of our daily life. We become so dependent on them. We start to feel that we can’t live without them. Which is why Sometimes we need to unplug from these things.

Especially if you are into a lot of social media network. We are becoming unsociable in a sense that when we are with family and friends most of the people will be on their phones or tablets, smiling by themselves. Instead of smiling with the people around them.

Technology is not bad. It actually makes everything easier for us. But you still got to remember “to little or too much of anything is not good.

Specially when you are with your love ones. Give them your precious time.

I myself is trying to unplug. I use to be addicted to Facebook and Instagram that I cannot keep up a good conversation with my family because I kept on browsing on those sites.

This is actually keeping a healthy relationship with everybody.

Sharing is caring!

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