New Year, New You

New Year, New YouHappy 2021 everyone! I am so happy to be back doing my first blog post for this year. It has been a while since I posted here on the blog and one of the things I want to accomplish this year is to be consistent.

2020 was very unprecedented but we all learned a lot from it and I know it all made us stronger. I always think what doesn’t kill you make you stronger. New Year, New You is the way for me to start challenging myself again. I am here to continue to inspire women like me and we can be better. I have been getting a lot of compliments saying I am doing well and also question on how I manage to do it all like having 3 kids, full time PT job, a blog and a small business making custom shirts visit our shop here. As I always say, I have been blessed to have my mom here with us to help us with the kids and also my husband who is my partner with our business and my photographer for my blog. Even with all those things, I am still not were I really wanted to be.

I have made a lot of goals last year and I was able to get some done but due to inconsistency I wasn’t really able to achieve what I really wanted. I want my blog to turn around for good and for our small business to continue to pick up in the hopes of making it our full time family business. Our workout has been somewhat almost consistent this year as we were able to really able to utilize our home gym and do a lot of exercises as a family.

So this year, My mantra is “If it is to be, It’s up to me.” I am holding myself accountable, it can only happen if the change starts with me. I cannot get a different result doing same things. This week, since I took a week off from work. I started a diet (following a recipe book from the same workout plan I use and also note eating junk food) before the New Year and stick with it. I was able to accomplish my goal in 3 days. So If I continue to do this consistently and continue to be disciplined, I know I will be able to reach my goal. I started back working out 6 weeks after I gave birth to Andi and check out my fitness journey here.

So this is for us ladies who wants to challenge themselves this year a be a better version of ourselves. I know I really need to work on this as this year I will be 40. I am not getting any younger and really have to take care of myself and to be serious with me being my own boss.

Thank you for reading and stopping by to see what Simplychristianne is up this year. I assure you that I will continue to make good content for all of you for more affordable fashion but will continue to mix some high end ones. Let me know what topics you would like for me to talk about here. Thank you for sticking with me.

Wishing you all and Happy, Blessed and Healthy New Year!



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