Meal Preparation Solution

Meal Preparation Solution


New year, new you. So I am starting with this new habit of eating healthy but don’t get me wrong. I also do treat myself with a cheat day were I eat whatever I want. For this habit to be successful, I started with meal preparation solution.

I have done this before and lost track when I got pregnant with Andi so now I am doing it again. I am using the same recipe book I have used before. It has weekly food recipes and also the grocery list to make it easier for you. Plus the food are all good and kids love them too.

Check out all the items I have linked here. You will need a recipe book if you do not have already. Most importantly those containers for you meal for the whole week. Just make them all one day and put them in the containers and you can label them for what day are they for. It will make life easy and less stressful for you plus getting all the nutritious food all in one. Secondly you have to have those measuring cups and spoons to make sure you get the right amount for each serving.

In case you missed it before the recipe book I follow also has the workout book that goes with it per week as well and it is a 12 week workout that are usually 30 mins each or less a day. Perfect for working moms like me and for all the busy people that still wanna stay healthy and fit. Check out the post here and here.

I hope this helps you out if you are ready to work on you. make yourself proud of you! Thank you for stopping by and Happy hump day!



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