Becoming Our Lifestyle

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Finally, I was able to be back on track as far as exercising. I have been doing a lot of cardio lately. I try to do it 5 days a week more on Zumba and elliptical. I have been wanting to do the nike training but it is not happening now. I believe it will be effective if I will get up really early when my kids are still sleeping and exercise. It it really is a dedication to achieve something. Right now, my husband and I still trying on different routines, since my mom left (she was really a big help).

As for my diet, I have been snacking healthy, I usually have Greek yogurt and whole grain crackers and quack mole. I have been eating brown rice with quinoa for my rice. I must say I have been eating healthy food. I do cheat too. And Like what I have been saying before, I signed up for this S health on my phone and there I input my food intake, water intake and it helps so I can keep track.

Working on making this a long term habit is still a work in progress. When you have kids, things change quite often. I just have to be flexible.

My measurements are still the same, since I have not been doing nike training. Like I said cardio is the main exercise I do so I kept my weight to 127 lbs. 1 more lb and then I reached my goal. But my ultimate goal is to lose inches. I want to be toned. That looks better, for me if I look better it makes me feel better.

Happy Friday Everyone!

I hope I inspired you.



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How To Get Lean Plan

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Not everybody has the luxury of time to read a whole book. So I decided to give you a break down of what I have learned by reading Lisa Roberts book about Lean Muscle Diet: A Comprehensive Diet And Workout Plan in Building Lean Muscle

Like what I have been saying over my previous blogs regarding a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy and regular exercises is the key (you should be lifting weights too).

To start with you gotta have these food. (Excerpts from lean Muscle Diet book)
If you wanna get the full details on why each of these food can give you lean muscle you can find it in her book.
Brown rice
Ezekial 4:9 bread
Greek yogurt
Organic cottage cheese
Organic milk

Here is the meal plan sample Lisa Roberts have in her book.

2 eggs (whole/hard boiled)
8 egg whites
1 full cup of oatmeal
1 pc of fruit

Mid morning snack:
Protein shake
Handful of almonds

1 cup of rice
Chicken breast
A bowl of garden salad

Mid afternoon Snack:
Protein rich snack (hard boiled eggs, pumpkin seeds or mixed nuts)

BBQ steak
Baked potato
A cup of steamed veggies

Before bed snack:
Handful of almonds (preferably raw)
A cup of cottage cheese

Take note: Everything has to be in moderation as I always say, too little or too much of everything is bad or it will just defeat the purpose. Also be careful when eating nuts because too much of it in your diet might increase your uric acid and it can lead to gout. As what had happened to me and my husband. We went over the regular serving per day. We ate too much of it plus we have been drinking soy milk on top of it. When we had the lab works done, it was way over the normal values and we can feel our big toe hurting.

If you have some medical condition going on, before trying any workouts. Ask your doctor first. And also do workout and incorporate weight lifting. I already did this (eating this lean muscle diet and following nike training app using the Get Lean program) for like 3-4 weeks and I lost inches and my muscle was better. I must admit that I have been slacking lately because being a mom. It is hard to be consistent.

This coming July I will start a series of my workout and an update of my meal plan to be able to help and be an inspiration to all of you out there. I will set a goal and a target date and will talk about it every week on the blog if I am making progress. Who is with me on this one? Let’s make it happen. Be my workout buddy!

Also, You can get Lisa Roberts book from amazon kindle. It was very simple yet helpful to start with.

Eat healthy and exercise, drink plenty of water and have enough rest.

Health is wealth.



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Simple and free Exercises to do at home

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It is almost summer but it is never too late to start your exercise either just to be fit or to trim down. You shouldn’t be doing exercises for summer only anyway. It should be all year round.

Let me share to you some of the exercises that I do at home just to keep me moving. It is free and easy and it’ll make you sweat.

1. Zumba (using YouTube) if you do not have time to go to the gym, or if you just want to do it by yourself and does not want to spend money on membership. Whatever you reason maybe this Zumba dances will surely make you sweat.
Follow this link on YouTube

2. Brisk walking either in your own yard or in your neighborhood. this is a good cardio exercises specially for those people who cannot do strenuous activities.

3. Walking your dog (this is also kind of like brisk walking) so if you have a pet dog, this will also be a good exercises for both of you, your bonding. It improves your mood and blood circulation.

4. Download a free workout plan to follow.

I hope I inspired you.
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How to be successful when trying to lose weight

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I am not an expert on losing weight but being able to work in a slimming center for 5 years and being in the healthcare field made me come up with this tips. Because most of my friends ask me about this all the time.

How come You have maintained my weight even after having 2 kids? Just to let you all know, I am not those lucky ones who only had the belly baby and shrank right away after giving birth. I gained 45 lbs on the first one and 35 lbs on my second pregnancy. Be the judge and Let me know if you agree..

1. MIND SET. think of something that you achieved that you wanted so bad. Didn’t you put your mind to it at first and thought about it and told yourself I’m gonna do this and I will succeed! If you already think like that then you are on the right track.

You have to condition your mind. It is so powerful that if you think and imagine it everyday. Then your whole body will go with it.

2. Motivation. What motivates you? what ever reasons you have, if it motivates you then continue with it. My motivation is, I want to be able to back to my pre baby weight or close to it. Because I always feel good when I was that weight. I am energetic, easy to find clothes that fit me, I just feel comfortable.

2. Discipline. There is always temptation for us here and there. But if you are disciplined. You can stay away from those temptation and be focused.

3. Just do it! start! everything that we do is always hard on the first try. But your body can adjust with it. It just have to be a routine for you. Give yourself at least 15- 30 mins at least 3-5x a week.

Those list of clean diet and exercises will not show results if you do not have these key ingredient. You have to have all right ingredient to be successful in losing weight, actually on everything. Be consistent.

Enjoy your journey. You can chit chat with me, a real human being if you do not want to go through this by yourself. Let me boost your confidence. As I always tell my friends. Let us help each other.

A week after giving birth to my second baby.
A week after giving birth to my second baby.
4 weeks post partum. Just doing little Zumba at home. 15-30 mins whenever I can.
4 weeks post partum. Just doing little Zumba at home. 15-30 mins whenever I can.


I do clean eating and exercise. I also have cheat days.
Hope to see all of you succeed. I just want to inspire everybody who is struggling.

If you want to share stories with me. My email is

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