My Hair Loss Journey

My Hair Loss Journey

Today I am sharing a wonderful news to all and it is regarding my hair loss journey. I found a product that is really working for me and I wanna share to you all in vase you are looking for one. This post is not sponsored at all!

As you can see from the picture above which was taken around October of 2019. How I am slowly losing all the hair on top the Left side? Well look at this one now, this is taken a different angle but closer so you can all see it. It all started after having babies, I am not saying that all women having babies are losing hair but that was the effect on me. Since I already have 3 babies I have lost a lot and have tried so many different ways like taking other supplement, celery juice and all. But they all didn’t work for me. The photo above is when I posted about date night outfit here.

My Hair Loss Journey

As you can see on this picture they are slowly growing back, those baby hairs? I started using this Collagen my friend recommended on me and ever since then I have been using it. Click the picture below for the link.

I have been using it since late last year and I noticed after a month and a half that every time I brush my hair or take shower. I do not shed that much anymore like it used to be a handful. Then a lot of people specially at work have been noticing that my hair is having volume. So now I subscribe and save from amazon since I get this like once a month well almost every 3 weeks now because my mom started using it too. And she is also seeing good results herself.

Also another benefits of collagen are strengthen hairs and nails and also improve skin elasticity. I hope you were able to find something here that is gonna useful to you or someone you know.

Thank you so much for stopping by and Have a wonderful weekend.




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