Becoming Our Lifestyle

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Hello dear readers! It is Sunday once again and I am here to introduce to you my other fitness buddies. As I have said on my previous blog that this journey is for us ladies at work. We are here to inspire and encourage each other to be a better version of ourselves. In here you will see different body types with different goals to achieve be it to lose inches or weight or both. The ultimate goals is improving our lifestyle by eating healthier food and exercising.

Meet my buddies:


Weight: 120 lbs
Height: 5′.03

Arms: 11 1/4 inches
Waist: 28 3/4 inches
Thighs 22 1/4

She is my first fitness buddy at work. I introduced her the nike training app and she has been using it since then for about 6 months now if I am not mistaken. We challenge each other which is good, sometimes we will snapchat each other to show our workout routine or post workout selfies.

She eats a lot of meat and veggies. And every ones in a while sweets, she loves drinking coffee I must say. She is very active too, she runs, plays soccer, goes to the gym. She also swims.

Her goal is to maintain to be fit and improve her muscle tone.


Weight: 139 lbs
Height: 5’4″

Arms: 10 1/2 inches
Waist: 30 1/2 inches
Thigh: 24 inches

Lena is also very active, she goes to the gym and she eats a lot healthy food. I always see her munching on her veggies and dips.


Weight:151 lbs
Height: 5’2″

Arms: 11 inches
Waist: 30.8 inches
Thigh: 25 inches

She is also into improving her lifestyle. She loves drinking coffee but she also loves drinking water which is a good thing, she tries to balance them. She loves to eat, but the good thing about it is she is into fitness now. She got herself a personal trainer recently and has been doing good with it. She is trying to lose weight, ever since she started with her trainer. She already lost 7 lbs. way to go G! She is also getting married this November.

As for me, so far so good, last week I only missed 1 day of exercise. I have been doing the nike training get lean program and It is 5 days a week. There was one day that instead of doing the Nike training my girlfriends and I went for a free Zumba class at the National Harbor. Oh it was so much sweat and fun! There was a lot of people, the weather was perfect and you can see the sunset because it was from 7-8pm.

As for my food intake, I had been eating a lot of sweets I must admit by I have been good with my calorie intake. I always input it on the S health, I also have to admit I have not been good with water, average intake was 5-6 glasses a day. I have to do better than that. I usually drink lemon water.

For a recap for last weeks, there was not inch loss for me but I lost another 1 lb. my goal is 126 lbs so one more lb to go. I really need to tone, that looks much better when I am toned.

This was my tummy 21 weeks ago when I was consistent with my workout.

Watch out for another update on our journey for a fit and healthier lifestyle.

I hope we inspire you.



Their photos was posted with their permission.

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