Winter Beauty Essentials

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This Dove Moisturizer is very good for you skin and is very mild specially if you have a sensitive skin.


I so love this St. Ives Healing lotion, it really keeps my skin hydrated and is truly ultra healing. This one that I have smells really good. NOV_8767

As for my hair care, I use this OGX Argan Oil, it also helps my hair stay smooth and oh it also smells good. NOV_8768

And to prevent chapped lips, I always use this Burts Bees Mango Lip Balm, I used to use the other brand but thank God I tried this. It really make my lips hydrated and soft all the time.

Winter Beauty Essentials

Hello beautiful friends! Today I am sharing to all of you my Winter beauty essentials. These products are not expensive but very effective and is  Highly recommended specially now that the weather starts to get colder and colder. I call them my winter gear and shield to the harsh winter weather and to maintain my youthful skin.

Can you make a guess on my age?

Just reminding everyone to always take care of your skin as it is the reflection of you and always drink plenty of water. I must admit I am not good with this but I always try.

May all of you have a wonderful and blessed weekend.



Photos: Novel


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