My Way of Relaxation

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What is stress? According to Wikipedia… stress typically describes a negative condition or a positive condition that can have an impact on a person’s mental and physical well-being.

I just want to share to all of you one of the things that helps me feel great when I have body aches and feeling stressed. It is what we call massage. Yes, massage!

In our everyday life we get so busy that in times we feel stressed. It is a feeling of muscles being sore, tensed. You need to de stressed definitely. Give yourself a treat. You only have one body. You gotta take card of it because specially if you are a parent you gotta take care of your children.

Since the last year, my husband and I set aside a budget for massage because it is expensive here in the USA. But for me it is worth to have a budget for it once a month. Because like what I always say, health is wealth. Prevention is better than cure. And studies says that stress can cause cancer and a lot more health conditions you don’t want to have.

If you are on a tight budget there are massage therapist at a mall that offers massage on a specific body part you needed the most attention and it is cheaper. There are also massage chairs that offers few minutes of massage relaxation for a very minimal amount.if you really want a full body massage you can check out Groupon they usually have good deals. My friend just bought 3 full body massage 1 hour each for $90.

Here are the benefits of massage:
It relaxes tight muscles thus reduces spasm and cramping
Alleviates back pain
Helps relieve migraine pain
It improves your bodies circulation
Helps you recover from strenuous activities
It helps reduce post surgery adhesion
It can help lessen depression and anxiety
It release endorphins (natural pain killers)

It is worth you hard earned money.

Sharing is caring!

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