My Amazon Creator Summit Experience

My Amazon Creator Summit Experience
Amazon Creator Summit Los Angeles, California 2022


My Amazon Creator Summit Experience, sharing everything from this trip and about being an Amazon Influencer. So when I received the invitation to be a part of this first ever summit, I was in heaven. Even though we were just in California for our anniversary trip 3 weeks before the summit. I did not mind at all as I know that I will be able to learn more about the program and get to know other creators like myself and connect with them.

My Amazon Creator Summit Experience
pinch me moment to meet my girl crush/ inspiration. Jessica Alba the founder of Honest.

My Amazon Creator Summit Experience

The Amazon Creator Summit is invite only and the ticket to get in was free, but the cost to get there from hotel, food, transportation was my own expense (business expense). It was a 2 day event, Daytime was all education, creating content and connecting with brands and other creators and speakers, night time was concert and party. So now let me talk about how the 2 day event rolled out.

My Amazon Creator Summit Experience

Day 1

The Summit was located a few miles from downtown LA so I had to take Uber.  At the entrance they have flyers for the 2 day event itinerary. They have everything set up and there were a lot of speakers which I get to learn a lot on how to work on this business and also just by interacting with other influencers and how they do their own business. Amazon Creator Summit Day 1

There were booths setup and sponsored brands so we got to learn more about these brands and of course we got to take home a lot of freebies. There were stations were we got to make contents sharing all products to from Amazon to our Amazon storefront.

iced Matcha drink

The food at the summit was free, from breakfast, snacks and lunch, we were never hungry. There was no downtime as the day was filled with classroom moments and content creation time. After the first day, I was dead tired but was filled with new content ideas, and new learning how to run this business and meeting new friends. Then off we went to the Amazon Live concert at night and the uber was provided by Amazon and we get to party.

Amazon Live concert

Day 2

Amazon influencers
with @victorxia. I told here Gen Z vs Millenial
Christianne with Tiffany Ishiguro
with @Tiffanyish
Amazon Creator Summit influencers
with @alinelowry @tiffanyish @emmalynlove

Last day of the summit, It was kinda the same itinerary as the 1st day, got to meet new speakers and learned new things! Create more content and met new friends. Then we went to the red carpet event in Hollywood where we celebrated us, as influencers.My Amazon Creator Summit Experience


Overall, as you can read and see on all the photos. It was a wonderful experience, I will forever be grateful to be a part of this Summit to think this is their very first and it was invite only. So from then on I will try to be consistent on posting here and you will see a lot of Amazon products being shared here so if you love shopping on Amazon we will be bff’s. Also you can visit my Simplychristianne amazon Storefront and give me a follow. I also do Amazon live which is kind of a live review of all the products I personally purchased from Amazon.

Sharing some of my favorite Amazon fashion products here

and home products here


Thank you for following along.


Check out Look for Less on Amazon



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