IntelliGlass Screen Protector

Great packaging of intelliarmor and is getting ready to install to my cellphone here.
so easy to install because it doesn’t bend unlike the plastic screen protector
It comes with a cleaning kit
As you can see, with Aidan he uses my phone once in a while and sometimes he eats and will use the phone.
thank you for the anti smudge technology.

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Hello Lovelies!  I am sorry I have been MIA. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. It is almost Mother’s day, what are you doing to celebrate this wonderful day? Today, I just want to share this wonderful product to all of you as I find it very useful for all of us since we all own a cellphone, ipads and other tablets of that form. That is how we run our business right, blogs and stuff.

As a mom and blogger, I always use my phone and most of the time I leave it somewhere around the house. Having said that, there also comes a time where my kids, mostly Aidan will get it and play with it. From my previous cellphones, both my husband and I had bad scratches on it because of that. Even the ipads screen got bad scratches and glass broken.

I finally found this product to try and see what I think about it. This intelli glass HD screen protctor by intelliarmor is such a great product.

Here are the reasons why as written on their packaging and I also wrote my own explanation regarding my experience.

  1. It is ultra clear – It is indeed, my cellphone looks like it doesn’t have any screen protector at all. I thought it will look bulky but its not.
  2. Exceptionally Strong – indeed! I have dropped my phone several times to test it.
  3. Slim fit – Like I said it is not bulky.
  4. Oleophobic Coating (no more smudges and fingerprints) – So true!!!
  5. Very easy to install – from experience yes, unlike the plastic screen protectors, this one doesn’t bend so super easy to install and hold to the sides.

The price is just right for the quality of the product. I highly recommend it, specially to the mommies like me who have little ones. You know what I mean.

Do check out their website as they have different screen protector for most gadgets at and start using this 20% discount code Coupon Code: TM-D6KXPUNP

Before I forget, there was a mistake at first they have sent me Samsung active S6 screen protector instead of Samsung Galaxy S6. But they got it right the next time. It was easy to get it replaced. They must have overlooked it as it is closely the same description.

Thank you all for stopping by and Have a nice day!



This post is Sponsored by Tomoson and IntelliArmor. All opinions are mine alone.

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