How to start losing weight

Take This No junk food for 21 day challenge:

Start disciplining yourself refraining from junk foods to start. Then you add some exercise so that when you start losing weight (fat) you will be toned. So when people notice your weight loss, you will not look like as if you came from a sickness that’s why you lost weight.

You shouldn’t be eating these food for 21 days.

No chocolate
No candy
No biscuits or cookies
No cake. Doughnuts or muffins
No pastries
No white bread
No chips
No fast food
No carbonated beverages
No ice cream

I’ve done this during Lent because I was thinking on what to give up (like a sacrifice) for That time. I thought that this will be a good one since all these food is what makes my day. Can you imagine it is like changing your lifestyle.

I was able to do it even more than 21 days because Lenten season is 40 days.

Right after the challenge, I was so eager to eat those junk foods that I missed. But when I tasted them. I said to myself, I really can live without them. Now, I just eat them every once in a while unlike before that I really have to have them.

I did a lot of good things on me. I lost some weight (fat), I lost my cravings on these type of food.

So if you are that person who is trying to get rid of some fats from your body and is trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Now is the time to do this challenge. It is only 21 days. You will never know how strong and disciplined you are until you try this.

I challenge you! Let me hear from you once you start doing this challenge.

Cheers to a healthy lifestyle!

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