Got Spider or varicose Veins problem?

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Here are some solutions for your problem.

Jergens sunless tanning mousse or tanning lotion – If you are just worried about how they look and you have a fair skin. Use this Jergens sunless tanning mousse. Even with just one application you will already have the sun kissed looking skin to hide those veins. The application depends on how tanned you want it. This is very temporary the color can last for a week and is very cheap.


sclerotherapy – it invasive, they will inject a medicine to your spider veins or smaller varicose veins to shrink them. This is also temporary. When I has this procedure. The doctor explained to me that the veins are like highways. It is traffic that is why it bulges and when to do sclerotherapy you are clearing the traffic but other veins will build another highway eventually.


This is kind of expensive too. Most of the vein clinic offer this but because it is more of cosmetics. Most insurance won’t pay for it. Check out groupon for some deals in your area or if you really want the experts in vein. Try checking out Vein restoration of America.

For bigger varicose veins, most of the insurance covers these specially if you are experiencing pain. Which happened to me during my second pregnancy. I scheduled an appointment with them. Went there and they did an ultrasound so they can see where the blockage is. How big the blockage is and where they are.

From then they will determine what type of treatment they will give you. They have experienced doctors that will prescribe the best treatment for you. I had catheterization where they heat up the veins to shrink them, the second treatment was ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy, lastly was just regular sclerotherapy.

I had to wear compression stockings right after all sclerotherapy sessions. That should also be prescribed by your doctor.

Check out which ones you want but go to the vein clinics if there is pain. These are all out patient and you can drive back home right after. It is nice if this be done in the winter time because you might have some bruise right after that will last for few weeks. There are also some exercises that you can’t do after for a week. The doctors will talk you through it.

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