Good to know from CNN: The exercises physical therapists know lead to injuries


It was so nice to ran into this article online specially if you are into fitness, exercising and or going to the gym.

As a physical therapist this is so true. That is why we always tell our patients about warming up and cooling down before exercises. It is also helpful to have a personal trainer and to do stretching before and after. I can get into details regarding how to prevent an injury when exercising.

Here is the summary of those exercises:
1. Bicycle crunch
2. Lat pull downs (behind the head)
3. The kettle bell swing
4. Bent over rows
5. The Romanian dead lift
6. The overhead squat
7. Back medicine ball rotation tosses (against a wall)
8. Seated leg extension
9. The pull up
10. The preacher curl

This is the link straight to this good article to find out why.

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