Bumpdate: Hello Third Trimester

Bumpdate: Hello Third Trimester
Bumpdate: Hello Third Trimester
Bumpdate: Hello Third Trimester
Bumpdate: Hello Third Trimester
Bumpdate: Hello Third Trimester
Bumpdate: Hello Third Trimester





This is the last leg of my pregnancy before we become a party of five and giving you update about this pregnancy. So if you have been following me on instagram. You probably read how my doctor’s appointment went yesterday.

Update: So I went to the doctor 3 weeks and ago and she said the measurement of my belly was small of the age of gestation. She told me that she will order an ultrasound when the measurement of my belly is still small just to make sure baby measures well. And so it was yesterday, I am just worried that baby haven’t positioned herself yet. The doctor also mentioned that it was probably how baby Andi was positioned. She might still be in breech position, hopefully not. I don’t want to get have a c-section delivery.

On a good note, At least I will get to see her again inside me to make sure everything is okay. Also, I passed all the blood work that was taken last week and I do not have a gestational diabetes. They also gave me a vaccine called DTap Vaccine. It is a new thing as I did not get that from my 2 previous pregnancies. Which is something good that I will know will cover baby Andi from whooping cough. They encourage everybody who will be around the baby to get the vaccine so it means the whole family.

Another positive note, even though my tummy is getting bigger and heavier and it really is a hard time to position myself sleeping at night and getting up to go use the bathroom. I know I am only 3 and half months to go and we’ll get to see our third bundle of joy.

As for this dress, I have been loving a lot of Yumi Kim’s dresses. They are so chic and comfy specially for maternity. I so love all her collections as you can see me wearing a lot of her creations lately. It makes me feel good as we all know that being pregnant can be difficult sometimes as there are a lot of changes happening in a woman’s body.

Until the next update. Once I get my results back, I’d be happy to share it again with all of you. Thank you so much for passing by and see you again next time.

Here is the link to the last Bumpdate in case you missed it/


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