Are you up to some fun Running activities?

20150425 195230

20150425_20444320150425_21103620150425_21450720150425_195237So, I signed up for The Glorun 5k first week of April after my co workers asked me if I wanna join their team. I’ve always wanted to try one of those marathons because I know it was for health and fitness and I know it was gonna be fun too.

The event was Last Saturday At the RFK Stadium, Washington, D.C.

Even though the weather did not cooperate with us because it was cold (40’s) and  rainy.  That kinda made me ask myself, should I still go?

My team and I was texting each other asking if we were still going since the weather was bad. But hey, everybody was in unison saying “we will still go.” That did not stop us. We went with our running outfits Prepared with our running jackets.

At the stadium, there were still a lot of people surprisingly. They still had their safari and glowy outfits on. Because there was a costume contest after the run.

The event was very organized, they had the stage and the DJ for the after party. There was a safari themed photo booths, water station halfway the race track and food trucks so nobody will get hungry before and after the run. Kudos to the event organizer!!

I was not a runner, by the way. I exercises differently. You don’t have to be one to join. Most of the people ran, walked, ran, took pictures along the way, ran, walked and ran to the finish line. The good thing about this was that when you see people running with you. It motivates you to keep going.

I recommend this event to everybody. You’ll definitely going to enjoy.

I will try the other marathon next time. I’m gonna get my family and friends to join. You can check out in the internet what events they have in your area. Try and type your area and it will give you The calendar of running activities. Check out the dates and sign up.

Overall, I should say, it was a fun fitness experience!

Can’t wait to hear some of your experiences too. Have fun!

Sharing is caring!

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