Adi turns 5

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It feels like it was just yesterday when I we had her in our arms for the first. I honestly couldn’t remember hearing her first cry. I was so exhausted for pushing for almost 2 hours before she finally came out.

It was so all worth it! A healthy baby girl came out. And know is turning out to be a lovely little lady.

She is very caring, smart and a girly girly like me. She always likes wearing my shoes and clothes and everything.

Our bonding moments are practicing her gymnastic moves, exercising, crafts making bracelet, reading books, singing… And a lot more.

I just want to share to all of you all they joys of having a daughter. She can be like your best friend.

Adi’s dress: Gymboree
Sandals and necklace : target
Balloon : party city

Sharing is caring!

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